...ich habe gerade etwas ganz Interessantes gefunden:
Singer scheint seine Maschinen neuerdings bei ZengHsing einzukaufen...auch die im unteren Preisbereich...und nicht mehr in China produzieren zu lassen...
...ein Ausschnit diesem Artikel besagt:
ZitatZeng Hsing has been designated as an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of Singer Sewing Company, the biggest brand of household sewing machines worldwide. Zeng Hsing sets its shipment goal at 2.7 million units this year, with over 60% orders from Singer. Today some 30% of the annual global sales of 9-9.5 million household sewing machines are produced by Zeng Hsing.
...wovon die meisten Maschinen aus der neuen Vietnam-Produktion von ZengHsing zu stammen scheinen...ZengHsing baut da daher ganz gewaltige Kapazitäten auf...der zeitliche Ablauf "Vertragsunterzeichnung Singer mit ZengHsing" passt präzise mit der Kapazitäts-Erweiterung in Vietnam zusammen...
Zitatthat due to lower production cost in Vietnam than in China, the company is going to set up a new plant in Vietnam, in two stages. The first stage of construction, estimated to cost US$ 14 million will be kicked off in the third quarter this year and will be completed for official run a year later with an annual production capacity of two million units. The second stage will start in the third quarter of 2013 and will be completed by the end of 2014 for operation with annual production capacity of one million units.
Gruss aus der Schweiz